Direct trade from farm to kitchen

The leading digital platform for easy direct trade of local, seasonal produce between farmers and professional chefs.

Dagens software products - mobile and desktop

Dagens for kitchens

→ Easy access to local, seasonal produce
→ Saved time and effort on order management
→ Better food traceability and transparency
→ Sustainability data reports and insights

Dagens for producers

→ Grow your direct trade business
→ Guaranteed automatic payments
→ Easy order handling
→ Transparent and simple pricing

Why Dagens?

By cutting out the middleman, embracing technology and effective infrastructure, Dagens offers...

→ 26 hours from farm to kitchen
→ Transparency and better prices for farmers
→ Great deals on high-quality produce for kitchens
→ Consolidated payments

Join our community of food system frontrunners

Over 400 kitchens and 150 farms across Norway and Denmark trust Dagens for effective direct trade. Join us!


Nedre Foss Gård
Nektar Vinbar

Canteens & hotels

Dugurd Kantiner
EAT Skolemad
Thon Hotels

Fredrik and Charlotte — The farmers at Sydkysthaven Organic vegetable farm

Browse available local and seasonal produce

Embrace the seasons and the wonderful produce Danish Norwegian soils and climate can provide. Directly from the farm!

PermaUrt - Spiselige forårsblomster
Vilde Råvarer - Ramsløg
Syrengården - Nye Kartofler
Palleshavegaard - Hvidløg
Michael Balle - Økologiske Æg
Knabegaarden - Grønne Asparges
Norwegian Shores - Kamskjell
Strand Gård - Mangalitsa helt dyr
Fokhol Gård - Rødkål
Sansegården - Rå rømme
Alm Østre Gård - Hokkaido Gresskar
Haugen Gardsmat - Hjort Helt dyr

Interested in Dagens?

Please don't hesitate to get in touch. We're here to answer your questions.

Contact us ->