Fresh, quality produce direct from the farm to your professional kitchen

See why over 400 professional chefs trust Dagens to trade quickly and easily with leading farmers.

Join our community of kitchens across Denmark and Norway.

Il Buco
Thon Hotels
Nedre Foss Gård

Dugurd Kantiner
EAT Skolemad

Ivan Pnacek

Head chef, Il Buco

“Dagens has made direct trading with individual farmers really smooth.”

How Dagens works

You order directly from independent farmers. The produce is harvested and packed at the farm, before Dagens consolidates and delivers to your kitchen — nothing sits in a warehouse.

1. Browse and order produce from independent local farmers.
2. Receive
your consolidated orders on Tuesdays Wednesdays and Fridays.
3. Pay a single invoice across all producers.
4. Easily report and track your orders.


Receive orders from multiple producers in a single, timely delivery

Delivery days in Copenhagen

Wednesdays - order before Sunday 23:59
Fridays - order before Tuesday 23:59

Free delivery above 2500 kr.

Otherwise 250 kr/delivery.

Some farmers deliver themselves several days a week and often charge for deliveries.

Why buy through Dagens?

Easy access to local, seasonal produce

Browse and order hundreds of products from local farmers. Connect directly with your farmers to learn the story of the produce and co-plan for good deals.

Screenshot of produce on Dagens. Easily accessible high-quality, seasonal produce directly from local farmers.
Screenshot of Dagens order pages — Easy order managemened with overview of all orders in one system

Simple order management

All your direct trades easily accessible in one system. One delivery. One invoice.

Data reports and insights

Consolidates all your trades and data to enable organic and trade reporting ready for presentation.

Illstration of Dagens trade reports - Consolidates all your trades and data to enable organic and trade reporting ready for presentation.

Browse available local and seasonal produce

Embrace the seasons and the wonderful produce Danish Norwegian soils and climate can provide. Directly from the farm!

Knabegaarden - Grønne Asparges
Vilde Råvarer - Ramsløg
Michael Balle - Økologiske Æg
Palleshavegaard - Hvidløg
Syrengården - Nye Kartofler
PermaUrt - Spiselige forårsblomster
Strand Gård - Mangalitsa helt dyr
Alm Østre Gård - Hokkaido Gresskar
Sansegården - Rå rømme
Haugen Gardsmat - Hjort Helt dyr
Norwegian Shores - Kamskjell
Fokhol Gård - Rødkål

Interested in Dagens?

Please don't hesitate to get in touch. We're here to answer your questions.

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